How to Pull Work Items to Shorter Loop from Jira Cloud?

Using Shorter Loop

Following are the steps for syncing your product backlog with Jira issues using the “Pull from Jira” functionality.

This ensures your backlog reflects the latest information in Jira.

Step 1: Backlog is Empty? Import from Jira

If your product backlog is currently empty, locate the “Import from Jira” button. Clicking this button will initiate a pull of items from Jira into your backlog.

Step 2: Existing Items?

If your product backlog already has items, but you want to ensure they are synchronized with the latest information in Jira, follow these steps:

  • Locate the three vertical dots menu icon in the top right corner of your backlog table.
  • Click on the menu icon and select the option labeled “Sync Jira”.
  • Click on “Pull from Jira”.